Applied Kinesiology

About Applied Kinesiology at Total Health

At Total Health in Berkeley Heights, our AK practitioner is Dr. Robert Dorn who has been certified in AK for more than 30 years. Dr. Dorn provides comprehensive evaluations including orthopedic and neurological examinations. He performs a series of muscle tests to determine the source of the issue a patient is experiencing allowing a proper diagnosis to be made. Helping a patient get back to health may include restoring muscle balance, chiropractic adjustments, and supportive vitamins, supplements, and exercises.

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Applied kinesiology can help with a variety of conditions:
joint pain, mobility restrictions, sports injuries, and back pain
nutritional deficiencies or excess
issues with the nervous system, awareness, clarity, and focus
learning difficulties and concentration

For an AK consultation, call the Berkeley Heights office at 908-665-0770. Dr. Dorn practices on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

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Quick Facts about Applied Kinesiology

Insight into Nervous System Functioning

Applied kinesiology allows chiropractors to evaluate your health through manual muscle testing, giving direct insight into the functioning of the nervous system and organs of the body.

Identification of Health Issues

This method can be used to identify the underlying causes of health issues and imbalances, helping to target the right areas for treatment.

Noninvasive and Safe

Applied kinesiology is a safe, noninvasive holistic approach with minimal temporary side effects, providing the insight needed to bring you to full health.

Conditions We Treat

Musculoskeletal Issues

Applied kinesiology can help with joint pain, mobility restrictions, sports injuries, back pain, and more.

Nervous System Dysfunction

Applied kinesiology can help treat issues with the nervous system.

Stress & Anxiety

Applied kinesiology can help reduce stress and anxiety.

Emotional Issues

Applied kinesiology can help release negative emotions like guilt, depression, anger, addictions, and phobias.

Learning Difficulties

Applied kinesiology can help with learning difficulties and concentration.

Awareness & Focus

Applied kinesiology can help improve awareness, clarity, and focus.

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Applied Kinesiology FAQs

What are the benefits of Applied Kinesiology incorporated into Chiropractic Care?
Applied kinesiology is a way for our chiropractors to evaluate your health through manual muscle testing. It has been shown to give direct insight into the functioning of the nervous system and organs of the body. This method can be used to identify the underlying causes of health issues and imbalances.
What can be treated with Applied Kinesiology?
Applied kinesiology helps to identify conditions that can benefit from treatment including injuries, aches and pains, low energy, stress-induced problems, digestive issues, and more.
What happens at an appointment for Applied Kinesiology?
Our chiropractor will conduct a full assessment to understand your health history and lifestyle. By applying gentle pressure, your muscle strength will be measured to determine if the muscle strength remains “intact” or fully functioning. If the muscle is weak, several factors will be evaluated to determine the cause of the weakness. Treatment may also include nutritional supplements which can help to correct imbalances.
How long does an Applied Kinesiology appointment take?
Applied Kinesiology is incorporated into chiropractic care sessions. The initial consultation can take approximately 60 minutes. Follow-up appointments are typically shorter. It is generally recommended that sessions are scheduled 1 to 2 weeks apart. Most patients will start to see results after 3-5 sessions.
Is Applied Kinesiology safe?
Yes. Applied kinesiology is a safe and noninvasive holistic approach with minimal temporary side effects. It can provide the insight needed to bring you to full health.
Which location is this service available?
This service is available in our Berkeley Heights location.
Do you offer a free consultation?
Yes, we offer a free consultation to assess your needs and determine the appropriate treatment plan.
What is Applied Kinesiology?
Applied kinesiology is a holistic practice that evaluates health through manual muscle testing, providing insight into the functioning of the nervous system and organs.
What conditions can be treated with Applied Kinesiology?
Applied kinesiology can help identify and treat conditions including injuries, aches and pains, low energy, stress-induced problems, digestive issues, and more.
When can I expect to see results?
Most patients start to see results after 3-5 sessions, depending on their specific conditions and response to treatment.


Contact us to book your free consultation or ask us questions!

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